I did not know that
(too old to reply)
2006-12-09 19:07:25 UTC
As some one who hates to shop, please forgive me for being at least 2 1/2
years late with the following information. But, did you know that Sears has
bought out K-Mart ? I did not know this until yesterday, when I was shopping
there, now I have a lot of bad memories about Sears, but they fade into
nothingness when I compare them to Wal-Mart. Now Cur just loves to shop,
anytime, anywhere and for anything, but Wal-Mart that store both depresses
him and at times causes him to lose his temper with the staff. Oh the horror
stories !

"Have a nice day"
~" CountryStuff "~
2006-12-11 05:13:15 UTC
Post by needles
As some one who hates to shop, please forgive me for being at least 2 1/2
years late with the following information. But, did you know that Sears
has bought out K-Mart ? I did not know this until yesterday, when I was
shopping there, now I have a lot of bad memories about Sears,
It happened about the time Martha went to uhmmm... what did they call
it...oh yeh Camp Cupcake.

but they fade into
Post by needles
nothingness when I compare them to Wal-Mart. Now Cur just loves to shop,
anytime, anywhere and for anything, but Wal-Mart that store both depresses
him and at times causes him to lose his temper with the staff. Oh the
horror stories !
Shame on him!
Post by needles
"Have a nice day"